How to Place the PHP Connector wpinspect.php

To ensure WP Integrity Inspector functions correctly, it needs to connect to your WordPress website.

Connection to your WordPress website is established using a PHP connector.

The PHP connector is a simple PHP script that you can download after adding your domain to

You need to upload the PHP connector to the root folder of your domain.

The PHP connector is always named wpinspect.php. Do not rename this file.

You can upload the PHP connector using FTP/SFTP/SSH access, or by using a WordPress plugin that allows file manipulation.


If you are familiar with FTP/SFTP/SSH access, upload the wpinspect.php file to the root directory of your domain.

or Using a WordPress Plugin:

If you don’t have access to or experience with FTP, install a WordPress plugin for file management, such as the WP File Manager plugin.

1. Search for the WP File Manager plugin in the WordPress plugin directory

Screenshot of installing WP File Manager plugin

2. Open the WP File Manager plugin

3. Click on the Upload Files icon in the top menu bar

Screenshot - working with WP File Manager plugin

4. Select the wpinspect.php file from your local disk and confirm the upload

Screenshot - working with WP File Manager plugin

Testing the Upload

You can check whether the file was uploaded correctly by opening a web browser and navigating to:

You should see the following error message:

{"status":"error","message":"Invalid input data. Password is required."}

If this error appears, everything is set up correctly.

Warning: Different Locations for WordPress Installation and PHP Connector

If your WordPress is not in the root directory of your domain, read how to configure the PHP connector wpinspect.php.

You can now proceed with
adding your domain to the WP Integrity Inspector tool